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Celkový počet recenzí: 1 Hodnocení: 2,0
Vozidlo: 2,0
Obsluha v autobuse: 2,0
Cena a kvalita: 2,0
  • 2,0
    Karlovy Vary - Plzeň

    Hello all

    The bus ride from Karlovy Vary to Plzen was ok in general but when a tourist doesn't know the area, it's really no fun if you put online/ on the online bus ticket completely wrong bus stops to instruct people where to get into the bus and where to get out..

    "Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary [*CZ],Dvory,KÚ" is definitely wrong - no tourist would normally like to get on the bus at the suburb/ in the middle of nowhere.

    The correct bus stop in Karlovy Vary is in the city centre: "Karlovy Vary - Terminál"; please correct this for your next passengers.

    The same about the final destination in Plzeň -> nobody from the people booking tickets ahead of the trip online wants to get out at "Plzeň Plzeň [*CZ],,NC Úněšovská" but usually wants to arrive at the city center instead: "Plzeň, CAN (Central bus station)".

    So for me, I spent quite some time chatting/ emailing to your call center employees and calling Autobusy KV to find out these important details ahead of the trip...

    Therefore kindly update your websites in order not to confuse the travellers,

    thanks a lot! ;-)

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