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Bilete pentru autobuz :

Autogări și stații

Bus Station, pl.12

Bus Station, pl.12

Bus Station

Bus Station

Bus Station, pl.6

Bus Station, pl.6

Bus Station, 37 augusta 29, str

Bus Station, 37 augusta 29, str

Bus Station, 5 Micinska cesta str.

Bus Station, 5 Micinska cesta str.

Bus Station

Bus stop, 31 Mlynske Nivy str.

Bus stop, 31 Mlynske Nivy str.

Petrol station "Slovnaft", Diaľnica D2

Petrol station "Slovnaft", Diaľnica D2

Petrol station "OMV", Diaľnica D2

Petrol station "OMV", Diaľnica D2

Bus Station "Mlynske Nivy"

Bus Station "Mlynske Nivy"

Bus stop "Novy most"

Bus stop "Novy most"

Lamačská cesta 1/A, "McDonalds"

Lamačská cesta 1/A, "McDonalds"

Railway Station, Franz Liszt Square, Old Town

Railway Station, Franz Liszt Square, Old Town

Petrol station "ORLEN", Lamačská cesta, 841 03

Petrol station "ORLEN", Lamačská cesta, 841 03

Večná sláva hrdinom

Večná sláva hrdinom

Petrol station "OMV", Pri seči 6

Petrol station "OMV", Pri seči 6



žel. st.

žel. st.

customs (SK-CZ)

customs (SK-CZ)

customs (CZ-SK)

customs (CZ-SK)



customs (SK-H)

customs (SK-H)

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station

customs (SK-CZ)

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station, pl.1

hotel Baník

hotel Baník



Railway Station

Railway Station





Bus Station

customs (CZ-SK)

Bus Station, pl.2, Stanicne nam. 9

Bus Station, pl.2, Stanicne nam. 9

Bus Station, Stanicne nam. 9

Bus Station, Stanicne nam. 9

Petrol Station "Benzinol"

Petrol Station "Benzinol"

Parking, Staničné námestie

Parking, Staničné námestie

customs (SK-CZ)

Railway Station


Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station

Bus Station, Generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Bus Station, Generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station

customs (SK-CZ)

Lastomírska 831/1

Lastomírska 831/1

Bus Station

"Tesco", Sobranecká cesta

"Tesco", Sobranecká cesta

Railway Station, ul.Stanicna, 3

Railway Station, ul.Stanicna, 3

Bus stop Park študentov, Andreja Sladkovica str.

Bus stop Park študentov, Andreja Sladkovica str.

Staničná 10

Staničná 10

Parking Kaufland, Humenská cesta 2

Parking Kaufland, Humenská cesta 2

customs (SK-HU)

customs (SK-HU)

Bus Station


Station, 1563/1, pl. 6B

Station, 1563/1, pl. 6B

Bus Station, 1563/1 Staničná str.

Bus Station, 1563/1 Staničná str.

Bus Station

Bus Station, Staničná 1

Bus Station, Staničná 1

Railway Station, pl.1

Railway Station, pl.1

Bus Station

Bus Station

Bus Station

Bus Station, 466 Jiřího Wolkera str.

Bus Station, 466 Jiřího Wolkera str.

Uherova 2909/23

Uherova 2909/23

Dom. sluzieb

Dom. sluzieb

Bus Station

Petrol station "Shell", road D1 168 km.

Petrol station "Shell", road D1 168 km.



Levočská str.

Levočská str.

Sekčov LIDL

Sekčov LIDL

Bus Station, Košická 2725

Bus Station, Košická 2725

Kosicka 2725/2

Kosicka 2725/2

Petrol station "Slovnaft", Dianica D1 smer, 080 01

Petrol station "Slovnaft", Dianica D1 smer, 080 01

Bus Station, pl.5

Bus Station, pl.5

Bus Station, pl.3

Bus Station, pl.3

Bus Station

Bus Station

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station, pl.3

Bus Station

Bus Station, pl.2

Bus Station, pl.2

Bus Station, pl.3

Bus Station

customs (SK-HU)

Bus Station, Jozefa Kačku

Bus Station, Jozefa Kačku

Petrol station "OMV", Tatranská cesta 46, 034 01

Petrol station "OMV", Tatranská cesta 46, 034 01

Bus Station




customs (SVK-PL)

customs (SVK-PL)

customs (SK-HU)


Bus Station, nam.Slobody 13

Bus Station, nam.Slobody 13

Bus Station

Gas station

Gas station

Bus Station


Bus Station

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station

Post Office, Hlavna str.

Post Office, Hlavna str.

Bus Station, pl.13

Bus Station, pl.13

Bus Station

customs (SK-CZ)


Bus Station, pl.1


Bus Station, pl.2

Bus Station, pl.3

Bus Station, 2 Železničná str.

Bus Station, 2 Železničná str.

Petrol station "OMV", Zamarovce, D1, 911 01

Petrol station "OMV", Zamarovce, D1, 911 01

Bus Station, Staničná 7271/9

Bus Station, Staničná 7271/9

Railway Station, 570/36 Kollárova str.

Railway Station, 570/36 Kollárova str.

Customs (SVK-UA)

Customs (SVK-UA)

Near the Church Zoslania Svätého Ducha

Near the Church Zoslania Svätého Ducha

Bus Station

Bus Station

AS, nást. dialkové linky

AS, nást. dialkové linky

Bus Station

customs (SK-UA)

customs (SK-UA)

customs (SK-PL)

customs (SK-PL)

motel "Sitno"

motel "Sitno"

Bus Station, pl.12

Bus Station, pl.1

Bus Station

Railway station

Railway station

Bus Station, 738/21 Jána Milca str.

Bus Station, 738/21 Jána Milca str.

Bus Station

Bus Station, 53 Balkán str.

Bus Station, 53 Balkán str.

Bus Station

Bus Station, Masaryka 1119/6

Bus Station, Masaryka 1119/6

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