Nguyen Quoc Thang5,0 Ecocar Taxi › Warszawa airport Chopina - Warszawa
It was the first time I been in Warsaw and use your service. I had problem in finding the pick up point. I would think that it could be a big bus.... I asked the police there and other drivers, even airport staff (with the instruction about the pick up point as in the e-ticket) but no one did know exactly where the pick up place is. At the last minute, I had to move down stair - up stair several times with the hope to see any vehicle with label Ecocar, and got it, finally (thank god). Only this, the other is excellent.
I would recommend Ecocar taxi giving more information of the pick up place instruction (floor, type of vehicle...) so customer will find easier.
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Ecocar Taxi › Warszawa airport Chopina - Warszawa
It was the first time I been in Warsaw and use your service. I had problem in finding the pick up point. I would think that it could be a big bus.... I asked the police there and other drivers, even airport staff (with the instruction about the pick up point as in the e-ticket) but no one did know exactly where the pick up place is. At the last minute, I had to move down stair - up stair several times with the hope to see any vehicle with label Ecocar, and got it, finally (thank god). Only this, the other is excellent.
I would recommend Ecocar taxi giving more information of the pick up place instruction (floor, type of vehicle...) so customer will find easier.