I randomly chose the carrier and didn’t know what to expect. Every part of the journey was great! It was perfectly on time, the drivers were nice, the time flew fast. I would like to have a WC on a bus or one stop for that but otherwise I don’t complain! When travelling this route (to Prague) in the future I will happily come back. Thank you!
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P-transport › Chlumec nad Cidlinou - Praha
Vsechno naprosto v poradku a na čas, velka spokojenost
P-transport › Prague - Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Everything perfect!
P-transport › Náchod - Praha
I randomly chose the carrier and didn’t know what to expect. Every part of the journey was great! It was perfectly on time, the drivers were nice, the time flew fast. I would like to have a WC on a bus or one stop for that but otherwise I don’t complain! When travelling this route (to Prague) in the future I will happily come back. Thank you!