  • 成人 超过12岁
  • 儿童 2 至 12 岁
  • 2岁以下的儿童 无座位

路线Ivano-Frankivsk - Verkhovyna

承运人: ТОВ Тур-Транс-Р 排名: 4,0 出发: 28.09, 29.09, 30.09, 01.10, 02.10, 03.10, 04.10, 05.10, 06.10, 07.10
汽车: 查看照片 路线: 路线Ivano-Frankivsk - Verkhovyna
  • 更多信息:
    The passenger is insured for 102 000 UAH. IC «Persha». Insurance fee - 2%, included in the ticket price. Possibility to change the date of journey: free of charge, not later than 12 hours before departure, not more than once. Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the cabin is prohibited.
  • 行李箱:
    2 pcs. (20x40x60) - free. Additional baggage - check the price with the carrier. Maximum 50 kg/person.
  • 折扣:
    10% Group from 6 people (with the consent of the carrier)
    20% 6-12 岁儿童
    30% 0-5 岁儿童

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