Konrad Madel1,8 Jamilines › Pec pod Sněžkou - Praha
Bus driver was extremely rude and unpleasant towards me. The ticket i booked had the wrong station and it was too difficult to change it. When i spoke to someone on the phone they said they couldn't change it but i could wait at that station. When i tried to get on the driver started arguing with me about it not being the right station. It was very embarrassing. Very upset about this experience..
Autobus celou dobu silene vibroval, ze se mi zvedal zaludek. Tohle se mi v autobusu nestalo uz tak 30 let. Ocividne v haji podvozek nebo silentbloky na motoru a pod...Ostuda. S timto uz znova nepojedu, uprednostnim konkurenci, co sve stroje servisuje.
Ärge jätke vahele kampaaniaid, soodustusi ja muid huvitavaid INFOBUSi pakkumisi. Liitu uudiskirjaga ja reisi meiega odavamalt!
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid
Kasutame sellel saidil küpsiseid, et tagada selle maksimaalne tõhusus, analüüsida liiklust ning kohandada sisu ja reklaami konkreetsetele kasutajatele. Me töötleme kogu sellist teavet kooskõlas privaatsusavaldusega. Üksikasjalik teave
Jamilines › Pec pod Sněžkou - Praha
Bus driver was extremely rude and unpleasant towards me. The ticket i booked had the wrong station and it was too difficult to change it. When i spoke to someone on the phone they said they couldn't change it but i could wait at that station. When i tried to get on the driver started arguing with me about it not being the right station. It was very embarrassing. Very upset about this experience..
Jamilines › Praha - Pec pod Sněžkou
Very good experience on this ride
Jamilines › Svoboda nad Upá - Praha
Cesta v pořádku! Autobus jel na čas a plynule
Jamilines › Praha - Janské Lázně
Jamilines › Praha - Janské Lázně
V autobuse byla zima, bez možnosti nabití mobilu.
Jamilines › Praha - Pec pod Sněžkou
Plynulá, pohodová cesta. Děkuji
Jamilines › Prague - Pelhrimov
Autobus celou dobu silene vibroval, ze se mi zvedal zaludek. Tohle se mi v autobusu nestalo uz tak 30 let. Ocividne v haji podvozek nebo silentbloky na motoru a pod...Ostuda. S timto uz znova nepojedu, uprednostnim konkurenci, co sve stroje servisuje.
Jamilines › Praha - Pec pod Sněžkou
Wszystko super, polecam :)
W miejsce docelowe autobus pr,ujechał z opóźnieniem, ale padało dużo śniegu podczas jazdy.
Jamilines › Praha - Trutnov
Kromě nefunkčního wc v pořádku. Akorát se nám pan řidič netrefil do hudebního vkusu;)
Jamilines › Praha - Hradec Králové
Všechno bylo super