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Linka Zaporizhzhia - Burgas

Dopravce: АВТОЛАЙК Hodnocení: 1,0 Odjezdy: 01.07, 03.07, 05.07, 08.07, 10.07, 12.07, 15.07, 17.07, 19.07, 22.07
autobus: Podívat se na foto Linka: Linka Zaporizhzhia - Burgas
  • Doplňující informace:
    ❌ ▉ Warning !!!It is obligatory for persons of 18-60 years old male sex when visiting the cities of Izmail and Reni to familiarise themselves with the rules on the website of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine.❌ ▶ It is forbidden to carry animals on international flights. ✅ In Ukraine on the Zaporizhzhya-Izmail section, animals up to 8kg and not more than 50cm in height are allowed for carriage.Animals are transported strictly in carriers and are not allowed on the seats of the bus. The cost of carrying animals is 50% of the cost of a full ticket without providing a seat. Animals of large size are prohibited. ▉ Carriage of a folded bicycle and a pram for children is 20% of the ticket price.
  • Zavazadla:
    1 ks. - zdarma. Další zavazadla - 10% z ceny jízdenky.
  • Slevy:
    10% Děti 0-10 let

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