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Want to make a trip to Foggia, Italy? You will find bus tickets to Foggia on our website Use the search form above to book your tickets from trusted carriers and travel on modern buses to Foggia.

About the city
Map Foggia

Country: Italy

Population: 152 879 Citizens

Local time: 01:31:22 (27.07.2024)

Currency: EUR

The province of Foggia impresses with its natural diversity: the Adriatic coastline, the magnificent Puglian plain crossed by numerous rivers, and the majestic Apennine Mountains are harmoniously combined here. Anyone who appreciates unforgettable scenery and hiking wants to come here. Many tourists like to visit the Gargano National Park, where they can learn more about the local flora and fauna. The city is also visited by tourists from neighbouring cities, buying tickets for the Naples-Foggia bus, Rome-Foggia bus, etc.

In Foggia and its surroundings, you can find many interesting cultural and historical sights. For example, the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Arpa, surrounded by olive trees and luxuriant meadows. Here, everyone can feel like a pioneer. An excursion holiday in Foggia will introduce you to the ancient treasures of the southern region of Italy. If you can't wait to come here, buy an online ticket to Foggia as soon as possible. Believe us, this city has not yet revealed all its secrets.

Bus schedule Foggia: is it convenient to get here?

Foggia in Italy is an attractive destination for tourists for several reasons. The city has a rich history and cultural heritage, natural beauty, delicious national cuisine, but it is not very convenient to get here, as Foggia is a small province far from noisy cities. There are no planes and trains with transfers, so many travellers choose the Fodja bus because of its advantages:

          - bus routes are quite flexible, so tourists can visit additional cities along the way;

          - bus stations are often located in the central part of the city, which makes access to the main tourist attractions more convenient;

          - travelling by bus is cheaper compared to other modes of transport, such as car hire or domestic airline tickets;

          - travelling by bus allows tourists to enjoy the scenery and the surrounding nature during the whole journey.

You can save money if you buy your tickets in advance. You can book tickets to Foggia and other cities in Italy on the INFOBUS website. The earlier you buy them, the cheaper they will be. You can buy Foggia bus tickets online without having to stand in line at the ticket office. There are regular bus services from the city to all regions of Italy, the most popular of which are Foggia-Naples, Foggia-Milan and others.

Tickets for the Foggia bus in your pocket, let's go on a trip

In the capital of the eponymous region, located between the Cervare and Celona rivers, modern Italian architecture is mixed with ancient monuments. The city was rebuilt and completely restored after the Second World War, during which Foggia was hit by air raids. The city has also suffered from earthquakes on several occasions, but many historical buildings have been preserved. Among them are the Cathedral, the national monument Church of the Crosses, and the Church of St. Thomas, the oldest basilica in the city, built in the XI century.

Restaurants, bars and cafes of Foggia hospitably open their doors to tourists who come here. The rich land of the province of Foggia in Italy gives excellent olive oil, wines, wheat, fine cheeses, meat and other products that occupy an honourable place in the traditions of local cuisine. Tours to Foggia are a real gastronomic paradise for any connoisseur of Italian cuisine! In addition to excursions, the city can offer a comfortable beach holiday. Clean beaches, water sports and the bright rays of the Mediterranean sun will be waiting for you from May to October, but you can also visit Foggia in other months. The city is regularly visited by guests from Bologna and other cities, and for ease of travel they choose the Pescara-Foggia bus, Bologna-Foggia bus, etc.

Bus routes in Foggia: exploring the city together

Thanks to the well-developed transport infrastructure, Foggia is a great place to get to other equally interesting regions of Italy. In the city itself, tourists will not be bored, as they can visit interesting locations and take photos as a souvenir:

          - take a stroll through its narrow streets, bridges, and historic buildings, as they create a cosy and charming environment;

          - visit the medieval Castiglione Castle, which is located on a hill. It is one of the city's landmarks and offers a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape;

          - the heart of the city is the Main Square, where you can enjoy authentic Italian cafes, restaurants and shops. Prices in these establishments are more affordable than in other Italian resorts.

The distance between the beautiful places of the city is small, you don't even have to use public transport. Foggia leads a quiet, measured life most of the time, but there are periodic holidays and festivals. The most popular of these is the Palio della Barba (paleo drum festival), which attracts many participants and spectators. And on 14 February, the festival of oranges takes place here. If you want to attend a noisy carnival procession, buy a Fojas bus ticket.

Bus to Fodja: what else can you do in this city?

If you have already relaxed on the beach, been to the local forests and Gargano Park, then you can do

          - gastronomic tours. Be sure to try local culinary treats such as olive oil, cheeses, pasta and fresh seafood dishes. Restaurants and cafes offer authentic Puglian cuisine that you won't be able to taste anywhere else in Italy. A bill for two for two will cost 15-20 euros;

          - shopping. Italy is a trendsetter in the world of fashion, so even in small towns you can find stylish clothes, shoes and accessories;

          - travelling to neighbouring regions. The southern part of Italy is very diverse, so after exploring Foggia, you can visit other regions to appreciate the beauty of Puglia.

Modern Foggia is ideal for beach lovers and families with children. Here you can spend your holidays away from the hustle and bustle. If you value peace and privacy, the Foggia bus will take you there quickly and comfortably. And if you want to visit even more interesting historical cities of Italy, buy tickets for the Foggia-Rome bus.

Foggia bus prices: how much money do you need for your holiday?

Foggia is a small town that is not yet in great demand among tourists, but it has its advantages. The price of accommodation, food and entertainment is quite affordable, and you can also buy souvenirs and other goods here. Fiji's hotels are quite diverse, some of which meet high tourist standards. Here you can find both large modern complexes with swimming pools, gyms and saunas, and small family-run hotels offering a homely atmosphere and affordable accommodation prices.

The average price per night in an average hotel can range from 30 euros and above. Public transport is available, but the city is quite compact, so you can do a lot of walking. If you wish, you can rent a car or call a taxi. If you need to exchange currency, do it in advance to avoid high fees.


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