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Want to make a trip to Reggio Emilia, Italy? You will find bus tickets to Reggio Emilia on our website Use the search form above to book your tickets from trusted carriers and travel on modern buses to Reggio Emilia.

About the city
Map Reggio Emilia

Country: Italy

Local time: 01:01:25 (27.07.2024)

Currency: EUR

Reggio Emilia is located between Modena and Parma in the Po River Valley. This city is the centre of government and the residence of the governor of the province of Reggio Emilia, and is not spoilt for tourists. It was here that the Italian flag, which is now the main national symbol of Italy, appeared, and about 1000 years ago, the famous Italian Parmesan-Reggiano cheese, which is considered one of the oldest and best cheeses in the world, was born here.

Reggio Emilia has long attracted tourists from all over the world who want to see and experience authentic Italian traditional culture in all its beauty and flavour. In the ancient Roman period, the city was called Regent Lepidus after the city's founder, Marcus Emilius Lepidus. The current name of the city emerged in the XIX century. The patron saint of the city is San Prospero, a bishop who lived in the 5th century. Most of the architectural structures have survived from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. If you are a true connoisseur of history and architecture, buy a ticket to Reggio Emilia as soon as possible. Transport from different cities of Italy runs here regularly, for example, the Bologna-Reggio Em ilia bus or the Modena-Reggio Emilia bus.

Bus schedule Reggio Emilia: what is the best way to get here?

Reggio Emilia is a major transport hub on the Emilia-Romagna route, which will introduce you to real provincial life. This three-coloured city is famous for its rich Renaissance history, delicious cuisine with a huge number of the region's most famous dishes, and the best urban cycling paths in Italy. Excursion groups to other cities of the country often depart from here, the best way to get there is by bus Reggio Emilia-Bologna, bus Reggio Emilia-Rome, bus Reggio Emilia-Naples, etc.

The city is located in the north of the country, there are several ways to get there. The choice of vehicle may depend on your location, budget, season and personal preferences. If you value economy, flexibility and ease of access to transport infrastructure, the Reggio Emilia bus is a great option for your trip. The price of a ticket is more affordable than a plane ticket, and modern bus routes in Italy allow you to reach places that are difficult to reach by other means of transport. On the INFOBUS website you can book bus tickets Reggio Emilia online and other cities of Italy in a few minutes. The city has a moderately warm climate and a lot of rainfall. Winters are cool and summers are not as hot as in other parts of Italy, so you can come on holiday at any time of the year.

Bus tickets to Reggio Emilia are bought: where to go first?

Compared to other cities in Italy, Reggio Emilia has a smaller area, and its ancient centre is even closed to traffic, you can only ride bicycles here. The short distance between the main attractions allows you to enjoy the unique architectural monuments in no hurry. The city is centred around two central squares, Piazza Prampolini and Piazza San Prospero, where they are separated by the Duomo and Palazzo del Municipio.

Piazza Prampolini is the heart of the city, and it is worth starting your tour from here. The square embodies the classics of Italian urban architecture - it is small, but at the same time austere and elegant. It is surrounded by the most important buildings of the city: the main Cathedral, the Municipal Palace, the Baptistery and the central bell tower. It is also home to the Bordello Tower, which once housed a brothel. Another attraction of Reggio Emilia is the Basilica of St Prospero, the city's patron saint. It was built on the same square where the city market is located today, which is open on Tuesdays and Fridays. In addition, the city has many museums and galleries, the Basilica of Our Lady of Gyari, the Santa Croce Gate, which has preserved all that remains of the strong walls. In addition, it is impossible to pass by the huge steel spans of the Calatrava Bridges, a masterpiece of modern architecture created by the brilliant Spaniard Santiago Calatrava.

Bus routes in Reggio Emilia: getting to know the city

Reggio Emilia is an ideal place for those who appreciate Italian culture and enjoy a relaxing holiday. There are many types of recreation and entertainment available here, including excursions, visits to amusement parks, and gastronomic tours.

Here are some places that tourists often visit first:

          - The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is one of the main architectural landmarks of Reggio Emilia. It was built in the XI century and is an important centre of the city's religious history;

          - Palazzo del Comune is a historic palace that was built in the XIII century and is a symbol of the city. Here you can enjoy the ancient architecture, visit various exhibitions and events that are sometimes held in the building;

          - The Culinary Museum is a great place for those interested in Italian cuisine. Here you can learn about the traditional dishes of Emilia-Romagna and their history;

          - The Marcello Teatro is an important cultural centre of the city. If you have a free evening, be sure to attend any performance;

          - Parco Della Rovineta is a nice place to walk the paths, enjoy nature and relax.

Don't forget to also try the local food, such as parmesan, prosciutto, tagliatelle and other traditional dishes of the region. They are everywhere - from small eateries to upscale restaurants. If you want to get even more impressions from your Italian holiday, take the bus Reggio Emilia-Modena and get unforgettable emotions!

The bus to Reggio Emilia has arrived, where should tourists stay?

Some travellers book only a bus to Reggio Emilia, but more experienced tourists try to find accommodation in advance. Although the city is not as touristy and popular, there are many options for comfortable accommodation for both individuals and companies:

         1. There are many hotels of different categories in the city centre and its surroundings. You can choose a hotel according to your budget and preferences. The most popular options are Hotel Posta, Albergo San Pietro, and Mercure Astoria.

         2. Renting an apartment is suitable for those who prefer more space and want to feel at home.

         3. If you're looking for a more unique and stylish experience, consider boutique hotels. They offer a cosy atmosphere and personal service, many of them located in historic buildings.

         4. If you're travelling on a budget, go for hostels. Another budget option is hotels. The rooms are cosy, compact, and often include breakfast.

Before booking, you can read reviews of other travellers, check the location of the hotel or apartment relative to the places you are going to visit in the city.

Bus fares in Reggio Emilia: is it possible to save money?

This city is also open to tourists with any budget. You can both save money on your trip and relax without giving up anything thanks to the wide range of entertainment and affordable prices for cafes and restaurants. If you book your bus ticket online in advance, you can save extra money. The average restaurant bill is 25 euros, museum visits start at 3 euros, and accommodation costs at least 30 euros per night. Knowing these figures will help you plan your budget and save money on your holiday.

Reggio Emilia offers excellent opportunities for travelling around the city and its surroundings. Good transport makes it easy to get to any corner of the region and get to know this part of Italy better. Buses Rome-Reggio Emilia run regularly from the capital. We advise you to buy tickets and get ready for a magical trip right now!

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