  • Dospělí Více než 12 let
  • Dítě Od 2 do 12 let
  • Dítě mladší 2 let Dítě na klíně

Linka Kyshyniv - Kiev (23:31)

Dopravce: FIRMA GALIZ-SV S.R.L. Hodnocení: 5,0 Odjezdy: 14.06, 15.06, 16.06, 17.06, 18.06, 19.06, 20.06, 21.06, 22.06, 23.06
autobus: Podívat se na foto Linka: Linka Kyshyniv - Kiev (23:31)
  • Doplňující informace:
    The payment for the reservation is to be made in the national currency of the country where boarding takes place upon embarking on the bus. If you do not have the corresponding currency, you can pay with a credit or debit card using the link provided in the reservation or through the onboard POS terminal (if available). Border crossing points may be subject to change depending on congestion. Please familiarize yourself with the entry/exit rules of the countries you are traveling to, as well as the countries the bus passes through in transit. Transportation of prohibited items (such as weapons, drugs, or cigarettes) is not allowed, and please ensure you have valid travel documents with you. Have a safe journey!
  • Zavazadla:
    2 pytle do 20 kg - zdarma.
  • Slevy:
    30% Zvířata
    30% Děti 0-5 let

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