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Klientų aptarnavimo skyrius

Praha, Czech

Lvovas, Ukraine

Teisinė informacija

INFOBUS s.r.o.

IČ: 24245224

DIČ: CZ24245224

Kaip su mumis susisiekti?

Bilietų įsigijimas

After making a reservation, the screen will display information about the order and the possibility to make a payment with a credit card. Depending on the chosen currency, you will be presented different payment systems: GPwebpay, PayU, PayPal, WayForPay, PrivatBank, YandexMoney, Sberbank. Choose the option that suits you and pay for your reservation.

You can pay in cash:

- in our offices in Ukraine and Czech Republic;

- in self-service terminals in Ukraine (Privat Bank, EasyPay);

- money transfer in PLN, CZK, or EUR to the bank account.

In all other cases, payment shall be made by credit card online.

There may be several reasons for unsuccessful payment:

- insufficient funds on the card;

- Internet payment service is not activated on the card;

- the limit of payment on the Internet is exceeded;

- the possibility of international payments is not activated on the card;

We advise you to contact your bank for problem resolution. After contacting the bank, try to pay again.

- after successful payment, we recommend to check the e-mail, which was specified at the time of booking, a mail with a ticket in the attachment shall be sent;

- View the folder “spam”

- check the correctness of the e-mail address specified in the reservation;

- tickets for some routes come in 15-20 minutes after payment of the order, because are registered by dispatchers of the company;

- if there is no ticket - contact our support team.

Yes, you need. All ticket pages must be printed out and checked for the correctness of the data indicated therein.

This exchange form/voucher must be submitted at the ticket office of the bus station at least 30 minutes before departure, in order to exchange it for a boarding ticket.

If the seat number is not specified in the ticket, it means that the carrier does not provide the option to select a particular seat on the route. The seat will be provided by the driver or accompanying the route person when boarding the vehicle.

If you make a mistake - immediately contact our customer service 24/7, by calling the call center, by e-mail or by sending an online chat message on the site.

On some bus routes, up to three errors in passenger data are allowed. For some routes, the passenger data change service may be charged.

Railway and plane tickets are recommended to return and purchase a new one; you need to contact our support service (tickets UKR Railways can be returned only at the ticket office of railway stations of Ukraine).

When traveling to Europe, it is necessary to specify a surname and name according to the passport. Pay attention to the fact that the tickets are individual, when buying a ticket you need to specify the details of the person who will carry out the trip.

To change the date of departure in the ticket, you need to call INFOBUS support, send a mail, or write to the line chat on the website. For some routes, the date change service may be charged.

Yes, it is. To do this, please contact our support team. If the changed ticket will cost more, the passenger will have to pay the difference. For some carriers this service is paid, even if the ticket prices are the same.

Bilietų grąžinimas

Booking will be cancelled automatically, upon expiration of its validity in case of absence of payment.

After payment, a mail with a link to the order shall be automatically sent to your e-mail. By clicking on this link, you need to click on the red cross in the window “Return the order to the account”. There will be a window showing the amount to be returned and the amount to be deducted. You can delete the entire order or individual tickets.

You can also go to the order from your personal account.

If you failed to find your order, you can send us a mail with your ticket number and return request, or contact our 24/7 customer service.

-when paying in cash at the offices of the company:

KR Railway tickets can be returned only at the ticket offices of railway stations of Ukraine. The money will be returned directly to the ticket office of the station.

-when paying with a credit card on the website:

To return UKR Railways tickets, it is necessary to contact any ticket office of the railway station in Ukraine. At the box office you will be given a receipt with the specified amount to be returned. This receipt must be sent to the support email info@infobus.eu. The money will be returned to the card within 3-10 business days.

Russian Railways and railway tickets of European countries can be returned personally, as well as a bus ticket (by clicking the link in E-mail or in your personal account) or contact our support service.

Tickets will be returned only when contacting our customer service.

In case of cancellation of the route by the carrier company, we immediately contact passengers, inform about cancellation of the route and offer alternative trips, or other solutions. If no conditions are suitable, the passenger will receive a full refund for the unused trip.

Each carrier has its own rules of the ticket refund.

Depending on the amount of time before departure, there is a deduction rate on the ticket — the amount that is deducted from the passenger in case of the ticket refund.

You can find the terms of the refund in the additional route information or in the ticket itself.

The refund for the ticket purchased on the website www.infobus.eu shall be carried out within 3-10 working days to the details from which the payment was made.

If you have made payment by transfer to the account or in a self-service terminal in cash, you need to send a letter with your details for the refund to our e-mail address.

Klausimai apie kelionę

The time of departure/arrival is always indicated local, i.e. the city from which you departure/where you arrive.

Detailed information with the address of departure will be provided on the ticket. Many tickets have a map with an indicative picture of the landing place. Also on the site, on the page “stations”, you can always find all stations and places of departure on the map.

If you do not see the bus on your route at the time indicated on the ticket, please contact our support team.

- the site displays timetables received directly from carriers who carry out trips;

- exact departure time;

- arrival time is approximate.

Please note that there are possible deviations from the traffic timetable due to traffic jams, road repairs, adverse weather conditions, delays at the customs (when crossing state borders); unforeseen vehicle malfunction. These cases are the force majeure circumstances and carriers cannot influence these circumstances.

If you doubt or are not sure that you are at the right place of departure, you cannot find your vehicle or your carrier, which is listed on the ticket, we strongly recommend immediatelycontact the carrier's service personnel at the contacts indicated on the ticket. In case you have not reached the specified phones, immediately contact the system manager. The numbers of the call center are indicated on the ticket. Failure to comply with these instructions and later reference to the dispatcher shall be considered as a delay of the passenger for boarding.

You can view the information on whether the transfer by route would take place when choosing a destination on the website. This information is always indicated, and the city in which the transfer will take place and the waiting time in the intermediate point are also displayed. There are routes where the transfer is carried out from one mode of transport to another (for example, bus + train), this information is also available when choosing a route.

Please note that there are two types of transfers: organized and unorganized.

With the organized transfer: You do not need to search for your vehicle, the driver or accompanying person will provide you with all the information and transfer you to the next route.

In case of the unorganized transfer: after arriving at the intermediate point, you will wait for your next route and proceed to boarding with your ticket.

If you have additional questions about the route, you can always contact us or the carrier via the contacts indicated on the ticket.

Bus information: color, brand, bus number plate and driver's phone number (if provided by the carrier), you can specify by contacting the contact details indicated in the ticket or by contacting our customer service the day before departure.

Buses perform regular trips and therefore must adhere to the timetable. As a rule, the bus cannot wait for late passengers. We recommend you to be at the landing point 30 minutes before departure.

Baggage transportation standards can be viewed in additional information on the trip you are interested in, and this information is also indicated in the already purchased ticket.

Additional baggage shall be accepted for transportation only if there is free space in the luggage compartment of the bus and at extra charge. The free space in the luggage compartment shall be determined by the driver when boarding, taking into account the total number of passengers on the bus, city distribution and other factors.

To get this information, you should select the route you are interested in and press the “INFO” button, the route details will be displayed in this field.

If there is no additional information on the site, we recommend you to contact our support team.

Within 7 days after the trip, an email with the option “leave feedback on the site” shall be sent to the e-mail specified in the booking. Your message will be displayed to all visitors of the site.

We make a lot of efforts to improve the quality of service, and we want to correct the mistakes and unpleasant situations faced by the client.

If you want to report a complaint, you can do this by writing us to info@infobus.eu describing the problem you are facing. Our managers will help you to solve this problem.


Bonus is a conventional unit of our website. Bonuses accumulate when paying for orders. The accumulated bonuses can be used as a discount to pay for subsequent orders. 100 bonuses = 1 EUR. Use of Bonuses can reduce the ticket price up to 50%

The bonus card is a virtual discount card with a seven-digit number, which can be obtained by registering on our website for further accrual of bonuses for each purchase.

Each time you book a ticket, you will need to enter a bonus card number. If you are registered on the site and logged in at the time of ordering the bonus card number will be entered automatically. After payment of the reservation, bonuses will be credited to your card, which can then be used as a discount to pay for the next orders.

If you want to use the accumulated bonuses to purchase a ticket, you need to tick the “use bonuses” checkbox when booking. The ticket price will be automatically calculated taking into account bonuses, which will be automatically withdrawn from the card.

The bonus card number shall be displayed on the website www.infobus.eu, in the section “My Account”. Also, when registering on the website, you will be sent a letter to your e-mail, which contains the number of the bonus card of the passenger. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.


We work seven days a week and without a break for lunch!

Call center is open twenty-four-hour!

Prague office:

Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00

Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 to 15:00

Lviv office:

Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 20:00

For the convenience of customers, the international call center INFOBUS operates in the company.

In the “Contacts” section (at https://infobus.eu/contacts), you can choose the country which contacts are interesting for you, and the site will display all possible sources of communication.

Our support service works twenty-four-hour. You can contact us at any time convenient for you.

Reklamos kodas

Norėdami naudoti reklaminį kodą, užsakydami bilietus, tiesiog įveskite jį į atitinkamą laukelį ir spustelėkite mygtuką "Taikyti". Prieš patvirtindami rezervaciją, patikrinkite įvestus duomenis. Jei bus padaryta klaida, redaguojant ir dar kartą rezervuojant bilietus, Promo kodas nebegalios. Atliekant mokėjimą į nuolaidą pagal Promo kodą bus atsižvelgta automatiškai.

Reklaminis kodas - tai unikalus simbolių ir (arba) žodžių rinkinys, leidžiantis gauti tam tikrą nuolaidą iš mūsų įmonės bet kokiai kelionei autobusu.

Informacija apie visus galiojančius reklaminius kodus pateikiama elektronine forma ir taip pat pateikiama oficialiuose INFOBUS ištekliuose, visų pirma interneto svetainėje, "Instagram", "Facebook" ir "Telegram" puslapiuose.

Skiltyje "Dienoraštis" pateikiame straipsnį, kuriame surinkome svarbiausią informaciją, kurią galima rasti adresu https://infobus.eu/en/blog/infobus-promo-codes-how-to-use-them.

Mūsų svetainėje naudojami slapukai

Naudodamiesi mūsų svetaine sutinkate su sąlygomis, pagal kurias slapukus naudojame duomenims analizuoti ir turiniui (įskaitant reklamą) kurti pagal jūsų interesus. Juos taip pat naudojame naudotojų srautui matuoti, kad pagerintume svetainės kokybę ir optimizuotume jos veikimą. Jei nesutinkate su jų naudojimu, galite įjungti tik tuos slapukus, kurių jums reikia, spustelėję čia. Išsami informacija

Palaukite. Maršruto paieška.